Jan 8, 2013

A wonder of Japan : A name changes.

In Japan , a name may change and memorizing is serious.

1: fish that are called by different names as they grow larger.
The Japanese amberjack or yellowtail

Wakashi(35 cm or less) ->Inada or Hamachi(35 to 60 cm) ->Warasa(60 to 80 cm) ->Buri : yellowtail (80 cm or more)

The fish called by a name which is different from a fish called by different names at different stages of growth in Japan according to growth of the fish from a fry to adult fish
Till the Edo period, the samurai, the scholar, etc. had the time of a coming-of-age ceremony for a boy, and the custom of changing a name with success in life.
the way of calling called a fish called by different names at different stages of growth is なぞらえた in this as "a fish which changes a name so that a promotion may be won with growth."
It is treated as an auspicious fish, and it is used, being fond as a dish of an auspicious seat, the seat which celebrates a commencement, etc.

2: Japanese traditional performing arts. Kabuki, etc.
The same person's stage name changes.
The founder -> the 2nd generation -> the 3rd generation ->>>>>>

Memorizing is serious.

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